She had made a little safe place in the pantry. She stayed in there until she had "read" through all the books. And Dax was none the wiser. :)

Bringing up Browns
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday after Book Babies at the Kuna Library, Ab picked out some books. I took her to the Valentine section and let her sift through the stack. She found a Dora one, and a Strawberry Shortcake, and an Elmo among others. The Elmo one talks about what people love, and then says that Elmo loves you! "ME?!?!" she asks with a huge grin. She's been attached to the books ever since, and so naturally Dax wants to see what the fuss is all about. She was getting pretty angry with him, so I told her she could sit up on the couch or on her bed where he couldn't reach them. A few minutes later, I notice her closing herself into the pantry. I thought I was in for a round of Trick-or-treat, but when I knocked and peeked in...