"Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass,
it's about learning to dance in the rain"
I had my first class this morning, and this is how she started class. I've thought about it all day. What have I been waiting for?? The storm to pass. It'll be better tomorrow... No. Live in it now! Start dancing!
Abby was all jazzed to go see her friends at the daycare they hold in the gym. She did great, and when I picked her up, the lady says she was perfect and hoped that I wasn't taking the class for her because she's a great kid. I had no words. And yet I know this. Yes, I am taking the class because she is my daughter and I need to be a better parent, and yes I know that when I am not around she does not whine and yell. Something about me brings it out in her. JB says when I am in the room she wants MY attention, and that is what her programing says she needs to do to get it. Therefore, I am taking the class to start changing the percentages of our behavior together. It was a great class, and I'm sure that saying will end up in vinyl letters somewhere in my house :)