Bringing up Browns

Friday, January 8, 2010


(I keep remembering this story, and want it written's a few months old. )

We loaded the kids and my stuff in the car to take me to the airport to go to Utah last October. I went back inside, and quickly hid some hearts I had cut out for the kids to find. One on each of theirs beds, in their clothes and kitchen drawers, by the books, in the movies, on the mirror in the bathroom. I thought they'd find them all thru the week, but JB said they ran around and found them all the first couple hours of being home. "Mom left a heart on my bed!! Did you get one?" She ran in to our room. ( I hid it under the blanket for him to find later ) Ab didnt see it. "I guess mama doesn't love you" she said thru her sideways mouth with a little shake of her head and shoulders shrugged. LOL what a sweet, funny little girl