We've been popping a lot of popcorn as a night time snack. It reminds me of growing up. I'm pretty sure we had it everyday for about 8 years.

Bringing up Browns
Saturday, January 19, 2008
So little miss thang has a fear of car washes. She thinks she's going to get wet, brushes pound on the windows, it gets dark, the blowers shake the car. So our car is FILTHY. I could go when she's not in the car, but when is that?! :) I've been preping her for the car wash, because I don't want to touch the car it's so covered in grime. We finally made it today while running some errands with dad. She's was ok with the idea, and then the water shot onto the car and it was death grip on my hand for the rest of the way. I got her distracted and she says "I don't need to be afraid." That's right. :)
Later, she was helping me with dinner and wanted to crack one of the eggs. She got a little excited and the egg went flying out of her hand and broke on the ground. We got a rag and started cleaning it up, and she asks for another egg. No, I say, we don't have that many left and we need to be careful. "Just one more?" She kept saying that, and when she didn't get a response from me while I was bent over wiping up egg, she came to my side and patting my back, "Just one more, sweetie?"
We've been popping a lot of popcorn as a night time snack. It reminds me of growing up. I'm pretty sure we had it everyday for about 8 years.
We've been popping a lot of popcorn as a night time snack. It reminds me of growing up. I'm pretty sure we had it everyday for about 8 years.