So I've always tried to be friendly to the enviroment. Recycling, I really want to compost, reusing, not littering, ect. Well I noticed these reusable bags that a lot of places are selling. I got 10 at wal-mart for a buck each,(Winco sells them for $.88/ea) and was so excited that I wouldn't be using plastic bags anymore! I've forgotten a few times, (changing routine takes some getting use to) but this morning we went to Winco for a few items for the week. I remembered our
earthwise bags, and it was great bagging it up. They hold a ton! and the heavy things(sack of potatoes and 10lbs of sugar) just got transfered from the cart to the car. When she handed me the reciept, she pointed out that she gave me a discount for using my own bag!! Granted it was only 6 cents, but that means I only have to use a bag 16 times to pay it off. :) It's more about the slogan "chose to reuse" than 6 cents. So there's my soap box.