There are a few things I love about this picture. First is the fact that ever since Papa Santa & Grandma brought her these pajamas, she wants to wear them everynight. "I wear my flower jamees." Second, is the pony tail!! I put one on her about a month ago, and we both love it. She likes that it's only one, instead of 2 "piggies". I think it makes her look like a big girl. And I clip her bangs with a little hair clip. Which she used to say "hair plip". Third is the crossed ankles. I have a picture of her a few days shy of 9 months where she is crossing her ankles as she eats. That's almost 2 years ago!!!! *teary* And lastly, the sun glasses. It goes in phases of wearing them all time, and we are in a phase now. It will only last a few days, but it's fun.

Bringing up Browns
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
There are a few things I love about this picture. First is the fact that ever since Papa Santa & Grandma brought her these pajamas, she wants to wear them everynight. "I wear my flower jamees." Second, is the pony tail!! I put one on her about a month ago, and we both love it. She likes that it's only one, instead of 2 "piggies". I think it makes her look like a big girl. And I clip her bangs with a little hair clip. Which she used to say "hair plip". Third is the crossed ankles. I have a picture of her a few days shy of 9 months where she is crossing her ankles as she eats. That's almost 2 years ago!!!! *teary* And lastly, the sun glasses. It goes in phases of wearing them all time, and we are in a phase now. It will only last a few days, but it's fun.