Is the day over yet? Mostly a good day, but just one bad thing can happen and it puts a sour taste on the day. We started out at 6am with Dax awake and Abby following an hour later. Not so bad. At least they both woke up happy. D went down for an early nap, surprise :) We ran some errands, had some lunch, bought a totally cute shirt (for ME), and then came home for a nap at 2:30, that no one took. Dax woke up and Abby wanted to watch... Strawberry Shortcake!! Big surprise there. I was talking with Dad in the office and heard the "I'm hurt!" cry belt out of Dax. I ran to the living room and Abby was sitting next to a face down and bawling Dax. I scooped him up and asked her what happened. "I bite his cheek." I took a deep br

eath and lead her by the hand "I'm going to the corner?" "No", I said. "You are going to your room. It's time for nap." She screamed for a few minutes, and when I went back in she was sitting on the mattress in the nook. I talked to her about how we love our brother and that she can't bite. He has red marks on his cheeks from her top teeth dragging across his cheek and a half circle mark from her bottom teeth. She slept for almost 3 hours. I have to be better about sticking to nap time. She gets past tired and the attitude gets past manageable. Bad parent of the year award nominee?
He did really good later in his chair eating those disolveable puffs and chewing on his sippy cup. He's getting so big. At dinner, he was standing up against the back door, smiling at his reflection. And he's kind of starting to clap. It goes by so fast.
JB got home from hunting with Kymber in time for dinner. After dinner we played battleship, and Ab was on JB's team. She kept moving the ships :)