Bringing up Browns
Monday, January 28, 2008
Tissue please
Ab notices now when she does something and I laugh. "What I said/did mom?" with a grin. I'll tell her why I'm laughing and she's do it all over again. You'd think I'd have some great stomach muscles with all the laughing I do...
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
She had made a little safe place in the pantry. She stayed in there until she had "read" through all the books. And Dax was none the wiser. :)
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
I can't believe it! Already?!?! And at the same time, that's all? He's just so busy. I sat next to Shirlyn at church (she had Logan a week before we had Dax) and Logan's not quite sitting up on his own yet. And then there's chubbo that's crawling up peoples legs and walking himself around chairs. We went out into the hall. (where I'm pretty sure I lost some friends for telling them we don't immunize)
He's been jabbering more, and likes to make the indian noise. His teeth are almost through, and he's been taking a bottle before bed. He's already wearing 12 month clothing. The pants are alittle long, but fit in the waist :) Loves to eat paper, and laugh with Abby. She's into books, so he is too. We started giving if some solid food, like peas and those dissolve puffs, and he's learned to work his tongue. He crawls around twisting it. Still no more hair than he had when he was born. And loves to play peek-a-boo.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Part 1
Saturday, January 19, 2008
We've been popping a lot of popcorn as a night time snack. It reminds me of growing up. I'm pretty sure we had it everyday for about 8 years.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
lovely day
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Monday, January 14, 2008
Saturday, January 12, 2008
DAY 11!!!!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The move
There are a few things I love about this picture. First is the fact that ever since Papa Santa & Grandma brought her these pajamas, she wants to wear them everynight. "I wear my flower jamees." Second, is the pony tail!! I put one on her about a month ago, and we both love it. She likes that it's only one, instead of 2 "piggies". I think it makes her look like a big girl. And I clip her bangs with a little hair clip. Which she used to say "hair plip". Third is the crossed ankles. I have a picture of her a few days shy of 9 months where she is crossing her ankles as she eats. That's almost 2 years ago!!!! *teary* And lastly, the sun glasses. It goes in phases of wearing them all time, and we are in a phase now. It will only last a few days, but it's fun.
Monday, January 7, 2008
Note the hand in the last picture. By the time we got inside and de-layered with wheat sacks in the microwave, the snow was coming down!! It's been a good day
The other day Abby Doo asked to be in the 3rd row in the car, so I moved her carseat. She thought it was so fun to be back there. On the way to church I squirted the back window and started the wiper. Abby started laughing and said, "Look mom! We have a tail! Our tail wagging!" Then she moved her arm like the wiper to show me how it was "wagging". I never would have thought of it that way. :)
Saturday, January 5, 2008
He did really good later in his chair eating those disolveable puffs and chewing on his sippy cup. He's getting so big. At dinner, he was standing up against the back door, smiling at his reflection. And he's kind of starting to clap. It goes by so fast.
JB got home from hunting with Kymber in time for dinner. After dinner we played battleship, and Ab was on JB's team. She kept moving the ships :)
Friday, January 4, 2008
Make room for food storage
I found an outline "Year supply food storage for $5 a week" found here. I bought my salt today!! I'm excited to get it going. I showed JB the list and he said " So where's the canned chili?"
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Road Trip
Ab borrowed another strawberry shortcake movie from the library and is watching it upstairs while Dax takes a nap. She's only seen it a couple of times, so she still sits through the whole thing. :)
She asked me to take this picture of her and her new snoopy phone. And D at 7 months is just itching to walk. Now he's starting to walk around the furniture!!!