Bringing up Browns
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
keep it simple
So, of course I have been stressing over the holiday season. It still seems like it should only be August. I spend too many days in zombie mode that time passes me by. So we hadn't been Christmas shopping yet, and it was 2 weeks away!!! So I cry ... :) of course .... and then we went the next day and got what we wanted for the kids, and it was all good. A couple of ends to wrap up, but nothing worth crying over any more ;) Sheesh. So after all the mood swings, I got a cleaning bug the other day to sort out the toys and piles we have around to make some room for the new coming in. I brought some boxes home from work a few weeks ago (I actually don't remember bringing them, one day JB's asked what was with all the boxes in the garage... oh "I brought them from work" HA!) so I bring a couple in for pile sorting. The kids got ahold of them and here it is.
FREE. No stress. No horns. No buttons. No nothing. Just a cereal box from Winco. This went on for a good 30 minutes.
Merry Christmas
Monday, December 15, 2008
grade school flash back

Then Dax came over and was walking over the books she had sorted and she got mad...

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Thanksgiving '08

I got an e-mail about being thankful that has sorta stuck with me. It was about all the blessing that we don't always think about. Like being thankful for a large heating bill because then we were warm. Having a house payment because it means we are not out on the street. The grocery bill because then we have food... all those things that are a burden, but our blessings as well. Having a job, because it means that I can still get up and work...
Today, and everyday, I am so very grateful for my husband and the man that he was when we got married and the wonderful partner, friend, and daddy that he has become for me, and for our beautiful family. We all adore him.
~ Saturday Nov 29th
We (JB, Tom, Dax, Abby, me) did some errands today.
me: Are we going to Cabela's? (as we pull in down towards Best Buy)
Ab: Yea! Let;s go to Cabela's! We can look at the fish
*pulling into parking spot by Best Buy with the intention of shopping our way towards Cabela's
Ab: No, not this store! Cabela's! Come oonnn! *with that tone of -come on, you know what I want!-
We all started laughing!!! it was hilarious. I am so grateful for that little girl. That, by the way, is fighting to be 4. Don't even tell her that she is 3!
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Just now

Abby: Whoa Bubba, you're big! Mama! Dax grewed!
Me: Yup, he's growing. Just like you.
Dax: Whoa
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Wordless Wednesday

Sunday, November 9, 2008
in case you are wondering...
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Dax's Words
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Sunday, October 5, 2008
round and round he goes!
Oct 2, 08 - Well the little man figured it out! He's messed around on it before, mostly just standing on it to reach something else, but I guess he saw Ab do it enough that he decided to try it. It's the new fav!
Thursday, October 2, 2008
da plane! da plane!

Monday, September 29, 2008
she said it
Thursday, September 11, 2008
The Drop Off

"Preschool! Preschool! Preschool!" jumping up and down
(video - press play)
running up to Sarah's house
Sarah, Jenna and Abby running out to meet Elizabeth
Dax, Hannah and Anna - the future Preschool class :)
I was leaving and Celeste had them all sitting in a circle starting the "microphone" going around to say their names. Abby just passed it to the next girl. As I was pulling out of the driveway Penny Andersen showed up with Nick. Celeste said that Abby played with him most of the time. :) The letter was F. They talked about Friends, singing a friend song in English and then Spanish. Ab was talking about amigos all day. And they got to craft a picture of themselves as a friend. Abby's had a lot of glue with not a lot stuck to it. :) She can't wait for next week. Yeah for PRESCHOOL!!!!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Thursday, September 4, 2008
hey there
Monday, August 11, 2008

I asked Ab to go inside and wash her hands, and when I came in with Dax I heard the bathtub running. Sometimes when there is no stool by the sink she'll use the tub instead. Kinda funny.
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Monday, August 4, 2008
flash back
Friday, August 1, 2008
I love to see the Temple

Thursday, July 24, 2008
you scream, i scream, we all scream for...
1 c half and half
2 T sugar
1/2 t vanilla
1 c rock salt
So you put sugar, half and half and vanilla in a sandwich size ziplocking bag. Then put in into another bag. Then put those into a gallon size bag half filled with ice and large salt. Toss, shake, roll, play catch for about 5 minutes and SNAP! :) Homemade soft serve ice cream. We tossed ours back and forth across the table and then I added some red food coloring that Ab smooshed around for pink ice cream :) HA! What a girl. JB put some chocolate sauce on his. It makes the perfect single serving. It was delicious. We ate it right out of the bag(placing it inside another bag helps to keep the salt taste from tainting the ice cream bag. We skipped this step-I just wiped them off, but didn't do a great job so I got a little salt flavor every so often) We also put 2 ice creams in the one gallon bag so it took a couple more minutes. I think i'll try it with some mint extract next time, and some carmel, and some sprinkles, and some strawberries-ENDLESS POSSIBILIES!!!! Tom came downstairs and asked what the recipe was, and so I told him. Then Ab says, "Then you put it in a bag with lots and lots of ice and play catch, then open the bag, make it pink, and eat it!" :) Reminds me of my Kindergarden hot dog recipe...
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Monday, July 7, 2008
let the music roll

Sunday, July 6, 2008
Friday, July 4, 2008
Happy 4th of July!
Abby got all jazzed up for the 4th a few days early when we went to the library and she got her own flag and got to walk in a parade around the library. Ab and Dax were waving their flags and marching to the music. It was a pretty cute sight. So when I told her we were going to Grandma and Papa's for a 4th of July party she was all over it. "Are my friends going to be there?" Well some :) I laid the kids down for nap, and had to wake them up at 4:30 to go. We got there and helped get dinner set up. Ab was way to excited to eat, and when the older girls (Molly and her Pyrah cousins) went to play in the back yard, Ab came over "Mom, Dad, can I go play with the girls?!" It was totally cute watching her run around with those girls. JB said he almost didn't recognize her, she just blended right in. We went downtown for the parade and the kids were all excited. Steve's mom Linda told the kids to stay on the crosswalk line. It was hard being on the outside corner. The kids wanted to scoot in all the time. Ab was pretty good about staying put. When people would go by and throw some candy, it was a bit hectic for lil Ab, but Molls was way nice and shared her candy. And Dax just waving his flag. We left a couple minuted early and got in a swing at Grandma's before we changed for swimming. Dax loved the swing. I held him on my lap, and JB had sat on the grass. Something about Daddy getting closer and then farther made him laugh everytime. After swimming it was dessert time, and then they all headed down to Ann Morrison, but we just drove to Meridian(it was already 10), pulled in a parking lot close to the speedway. Ab sat on my lap, and a conked out Dax barley flinched when the BOOM of the fireworks started. Ab covered her ears for a couple seconds, and then loved picking out her favorite colored ones. "No, that one is my favorite!" We took off before it was over, and JB and her went upstairs, snuggled in a blanket and watched fireworks aross the valley. It was pretty great.
*Dax slept through the night! I woke up in the morning, and rose my fists above my head in triumph... JB says, "So that's all we gotta do??" HA!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Poor man's Roaring Springs
Abby has been asking to go to Roaring Springs and I told her if she earned and saved 500 tickets that we would go. But after today, I'm not paying 20 plus dollars for her to NOT want to play in the water. So for now, we'll stick with the poor man's version :)
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Swan Falls

Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
gotta go!
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
what was i thinking?
Now heading outside for the moon rise
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Garden adventures
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Day!

Saturday, June 14, 2008
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My blessings, my favorites, my memories

Friday, May 30, 2008
what's in a name?
Thursday, May 29, 2008
I'll huff and I'll puff !

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
tut, tut, looks like rain

This is some great March weather we are having. Lots of rain and evening storms with thunder, lightning, and the occasional hail downpour. But,wait! It's the end of MAY!! Here's Dax standing on the chalk table eating a carrot and watching the rain come down. He liked when I opened the window after it calmed down a bit.
We were shopping at Winco today, and I bought some carrots. D was getting restless so I gave him one to crunch on, and he carried it around for the rest of the day rubbing it into his gums.

Here's Ab playing Memory. She likes finding all the princesses and then animals. I think she knows the names of all the characters, and there are a LOT of cards. For a while there she was making her bed before she came out of her room, and as soon as she saw me she wanted to get dressed. Now, she'll stay in her jammies as long as I let her - bottoms optional :)
explain it to daddy
JB: To give the trees and grass a drink
Ab: What?!
JB: The rain is a drink for the grass and trees so they can grow
Ab: No Dad! They can't drink!
JB: Why not?
Ab: They don't have mouths!!!
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Dax had a birthday, shout hooray!

Here's some stats on the little guy:
-getting better at eating solids. likes green beans, crackers, hot dogs, cereal, puffs, BREAD CRUST, ham, beans, chips. not a fan of fruits.
-loves the bottle. likes the sippy cup
-champ at walking, climbing, and rocking on the blue horse
-says "dada" and "mama" and sometimes something that sounds like "hi"
-loves to give Ab hugs, and open mouth kisses
-would probably love to become a fish so he could always be in the water
-has been wearing 12 month clothing for the past 5 months
-likes being outside, rain or shine
-still no more hair than he was born with
-likes to read books with big sister