I asked JB about going out there a few months ago, and he said that we should wait until the spring or summer when there is water in the river. So Monday he mentions that him and Wayne are going to BIKE out there for a workout. Oh No You Di-int! Take your buddy out there before we go!! So last night we made the 20 minute, beautiful drive out there. It was totally fun! The dam isn't really much to look at, but the canyon, and plateau, and water! There was a nice big grassy area with picnic tables and huge trees. We went right to the water first and tried to skip some rocks and splash around. Dax wanted to just walk right in. Of course. Then Ab found a stick that instantly was a wand, and it was "Alacazam" this and that. A round of Hide-and-seek and ring around the rosies and we were good. We walked around and then drove around and looked at the rest of the place. More east to the boat launch, and more west to where the "good fishing" was. JB said that is where Cory comes to paintball. It was a good spot with HUGE rocks to hide behind. It would be fun to take out hiking shoes and explore. Ab kept asking how we were going to get out. The rock walls were tall :) A place I'd definitely want to go back to. Have a nice picnic and play in the water.