Bringing up Browns
Saturday, June 14, 2008
We hosted a couples bunko night on Friday. I borrowed tables and chairs from everybody, and made a million phone calls to get enough people here, and it was AWESOME!!! It's going to be a regular thing, every 2nd Friday. I'm way excited, and JB had a good time, and I got to know some people better. It was our first offical non-related babysitter experience. I called Heather Hamblin from down the street, and she watched them at her house. I took them down there in the wagon with drinks and snacks and toys. Heather called at 8:45 saying Dax had been crying for 15 minutes after he ate everything in site and drink 2 bottles. :) I left the party and went and picked both of them up. He stopped crying the second I held him. Mama's boy! Ab had a great time playing with Janae's little girl Liberty. Ab is only a couple months older. So, all in all, at good fun night. Can't wait until July! I think that I'll try out another babysitter between now and then, so he gets used to other people :)