I love the way it looks. I found myself checking it every couple of hours to see if anything was happening :) I forgot about tomatos... we'll have to add another tray!

Bringing up Browns
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Happy Earth Day!!
I've been getting stuff together for this project, and thanks to the donations from family and friends , we finally did it with Ab today. I read about it in the Family Fun magazine. Mini greenhouses. I thought that it would be fun for her to plant the seeds and be able to water and watch them grow. I set up a table in the dining room and finally found enough containers the other day that we were able to play in the dirt today. She was excited to help pick what to plant, and liked poking her finger in the soil to make a spot for the seeds. We planted zucchini, summer squash, mini pumpkins, peas, 2 kinds of zinnia's, cantaloupe, and Abby's favorite-cucumbers. All through the rest of the day, I'd find her trying to water things around the house with the watering can. :)

I love the way it looks. I found myself checking it every couple of hours to see if anything was happening :) I forgot about tomatos... we'll have to add another tray!
I love the way it looks. I found myself checking it every couple of hours to see if anything was happening :) I forgot about tomatos... we'll have to add another tray!