Our new family fun time past time! I read about it
here. Brief explanation: "Geocachers use GPS (global positioning system) technology to locate more than 430,000 caches, or treasure boxes, hidden in nearly every country in the world, from busy downtown areas to underwater caves. These caches contain treasure, usually toys or other little trinkets." It also usually has a little log page that you can sign. So when I read about it MONTHS ago, I totally knew it was something that our family would enjoy. Plus, JB could get a couple of GPS units for "me", but use them during hunting season :) So when the GPS came, I logged onto
geocaching.com and downloaded about 15 caches that were within 5 miles of our house. On our first try we went to one that was hidden in a nearby park, that on the night we went, was packed with the first night of little league practice. We explained it to Ab that we were going treasure hunting. We didn't find it. Ab was bummed and so then we had to explaing that we don't always find it on the first try. So a couple of nights later, and a different cache we set out.

The GPS only gets you so far, and then you have to start turning over rocks and looks in trees and under stuff. JB only had one good hand, and Ab wasn't sure what we were looking for, and I was holding Dax. Hummmm..... :) It was a little hard. So then I found one that told us exactly where to look on a bridge to find the cache.
HOORAY!! It was a hide-a-key container so all that was in it was the log page, but still fun! We let Ab "write" our name and I put it right back where it was hidden. "Mom, we found the treasure!!!!!!" I downloaded a couple that are hidden out by Intial Point, so when the weather gets warm, JB has 2 hands, and Dax gets some shoes, we'll be tracking down the treasure!

*note: JB's cast. None of his jackets had big enough sleeves to fit the cast through, so he had to wear this nice one that was in the closet. Not sure where I got it.
*note: anyone that wants to come out with us is more than welcome!! The more treasure hunters the better!!!