Scott and Celeste Smith were loading up their packed house, getting ready for the move tomorrow, so Sarah came to play for the afternoon. I'm pretty sure those girls played with everything in the house! They started out drawing and putting stickers all over, to fort building - eating a snack inside and playing "Three little pigs" where I was the big bad wolf. :) then they played around with the cars, driving around the house to the "dentist, grocery store, and gas station" while I made lunch. It was mac and cheese and Sarah was telling me she doesn't like mac and cheese.

"Only my mom's that she makes". But after a couple of minutes of watching Ab scarf her's down, she digged right in. They headed outside to jump on the trampoline with their baby dolls, and a couple of bouncy balls. Dax was having a great time on the porch swing, so the girls wanted to join him. It was pretty cute. They kept kissing him on the cheeks. They came inside and played with the tunnel and did tetter totter on the blue swing and then went to Ab's room for dress up. Every so often during the afternoon, one or the other would come say to me, "We're good friends." It was fun having them get along so well. It was getting past nap time for Dax so I laid him down, and came out to find Scott had already loaded Sarah up. It was a pretty fantastic play date. I look forward to doing it again.