Happy Anniversary to us. What a fun and hard time it's been. I love him more today then I did that day. I love how we can talk, or how not talking says everything. I love learning and growing as a family together. I love how he pushes my boundries and I push his right back. I love how he can calm me. When everything is going crazy, he can just walk in and it's all good. I love how I have become a wife and a mother. How I have earned those titles and work at them daily. I love our goals. I love the hugs. I look forward to the road trips and camping.
We were able to go to dinner tonight, thanks to my mom. A much needed outing after the weeks we have had being sick. It was great to start and finish a conversation :) It was nice to catch up and get filled in on what has been going on and what is coming up. Really nice. I'm not sure if I'd ever hear about some of the things if we hadn't gone to dinner. It was fun to talk about the past five years, the cycles that are in our lives, and the plans for the next five years. I really appreciate everything that he is doing for our family, and am so glad that we are who we are, and that we are together. Go Team Brown!
Five years isn't a long time, but look what we've done! Here's to five more, and five more, and five more, and five more, and and and....