Well, our little guy survived his big sister and made it to his first birthday!! We had a fun day doing usual stuff and then after dinner, Dax opened his presents. There are a lot of pics so I made a slide show. We got him a little pool, mom got him some shoes, and dad helped me get him a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe car. It took him about an hour, but then he was climbing in and out on his own. It's funny when he goes to the side that doesn't have the door, and he'll reach across and pull himself in. He's only figured out how to go backwards, so when he runs into something and can't go anymore, he'll just get out. It's been a ... a... a hard thing for Ab. She wants the car, because, well what 3 ear old wouldn't want there own car?! Started to think that I should have gotten 2 :) But it's getting better. Sometimes the turns they take are shorter than others, but we'll get there. We brought Abby's bike in from the garage so that she could ride around on that while Dax rode in the car, but she's still not haveing any part in that bike since the crash. I'm thinking that I need to get her an actual trike. She'll ride the ones in the stores, but she thinks that her bike is too big and it's scary. I can understand. Anyways, then last night we had the family over for cake and ice cream. Dax had been in a needy mood all day, taking weird naps and he had not slept too good the night before. I couldn't really get him to eat anything, and was a little worried about having so many people over. But as soon as they came, he was his happy little self. I cut off a square of the chocolate cake and badly frosted it, sprinkling sugar on it in the shape of a D. Striped him down to his diaper and sat him in his chair while everyone sang. I got the tray in place with the cake and lit candle on it, and he grabbed the flame- but didn't get hurt. I helped him blow out the candle and he started to fuss. He didn't really get into it until I gave him a spoon!! HA!! It was pretty cute. It was a lot of cake, and he ate a good chunk of it. Then we opened presents, and headed outside to play with the sprinkler Aunt Julie gave him. He stayed back laughing at it while Molls and AJ ran through. Of course Ab was keeping her distance. Then we just hung out and the kids played in the fountain. Everyone headed home. We came inside and Ab says, "I like parties!" Me too Ab. Me too.
Here's some stats on the little guy:
-getting better at eating solids. likes green beans, crackers, hot dogs, cereal, puffs, BREAD CRUST, ham, beans, chips. not a fan of fruits. -loves the bottle. likes the sippy cup -champ at walking, climbing, and rocking on the blue horse -says "dada" and "mama" and sometimes something that sounds like "hi" -loves to give Ab hugs, and open mouth kisses -would probably love to become a fish so he could always be in the water -has been wearing 12 month clothing for the past 5 months -likes being outside, rain or shine -still no more hair than he was born with -likes to read books with big sister