Bringing up Browns
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Year of the Babies
It's crazy to think that my baby girl will be 3 next month. We've been talking about what we might get her for her b-day. She wanted a pink swimming suit with floaties built in at Sportsmans a couple of weeks ago that might be fun for grandmas this summer. Or we saw a slip-n-slide that would be fun on one of the little burms. Maybe a bigger bike, or one of those motorized Gators to ride around the neighborhood.
Then my boy's going to be ONE!! I...I...I just can't believe it... And I don't have too many ideas for him, because, well, he's got everything that Ab had. :)
sewing high
a list of what i want to make next. Isn't March National Craft Month?? I better get to it.
Sunday, March 23, 2008
- The egg hunt at the Burkes was fun, but JB wanted pics of how I was apparently running around like a crazy chick trying to get everyone out the door.
- The pictures turned out good, but I had to wake up a grumpy JB who was NOT in the mood to have his pic taken and snapped at me when I asked if he wanted to change out of his jacket :)
- We made it to my mom and Mike's on time, but I had to carry a sugar sleepy Abby out to the car. We woke up a little when I buckled her in, and finally came around when we were getting on the freeway. "Where are we going?!"
It's great how he helps me see the other side, and appreciate the fun and love we have.
So our Sunday wasn't too different than normal. Ab let me curl her hair and then decided that "I don't want to look pretty!" So I took a pic. Dax was a little cranky all morning. When I went to rescue him off a box he had climbed on(and from Ab pulling him down) I ran my toe into the wall and it's bruised and hurts. We made it to church with Dax looking so cute in his big boy shirt. We sat next to the Smiths and Ab shared her jellybeans with Sarah all through sacrament.
Jb and Ab watched a movie tonight while I fed and got Dax to bed. And now JB's spell checking this for me :) It was a good Easter. It was a good weekend filled with fun journeys
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Break for summer

Monday, March 17, 2008
Manic Monday
Celeste said she would e-mail me some pics, so I'll have to attach them later.
Friday, March 14, 2008
park play date
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
So I went to Lowe's this morning with Dax to get some wood for the centerpieces for the RS dinner on Thursday night. We were checking out, and a lady came to see Dax. "Well you are just the cutest thing I have seen this morning! There's nothing cute in these lumbar isles." I smiled, and walking out to the car I realized what she had said. So my kid is cuter than a block of wood?? :) Thanks, but I already knew that.
We were all watching a Bee Movie upstairs tonight, but it was getting late and I wanted to feed Dax some rice cereal before bed. I took him downstairs and put a towel bib on him for the first time. He ate real good and then we had a little fun :) I remember Ab doing this when she was this age
He does an ooo face with his lips, and the last couple of weeks he can get a whistle out. It's totally random so I haven't got it on video, but the other night he was in the movie room with dad while i ran downstairs to get something, and he said he was just crawling around whistleing and he couldn't figure out where it was coming from :) Go Daximus
Monday, March 10, 2008
for sale
Saturday, March 8, 2008
puddle splashers
Thursday, March 6, 2008
knock knock, who's there?