Bringing up Browns
Friday, December 10, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
#7 - Abb talking to the birds
it was one of the first nights being at the house. i asked abb to go get a couple books from the room...so she ran down the hall, paused, and then sneaked a couple steps into the room at the end of the hall where the birds are. which she usually shys away from the birds....
Abb: hi, i'm abby. i live here now (in a cute high voice)
bird: good boy
Abb: yea, good boy
she then spied me and ran into her room. i thought it was super cute of her to introduce herself ;)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Monday, October 4, 2010
Things i want to blog about
2. Abby losing her SECOND tooth the day before starting kindergarten
3. Abby losing her FIRST tooth!
4. Dax's friend at Abby's school
5. Working at the WinCo in Reno
6. Lacey, WA
7. Abb talking to the birds
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Friday, September 10, 2010
First day of school! first day of school!
The countdown is over!
We picked out her outfit the night before
new shoes :)
the playground. welcome to Nevada haha. we left Abb to her class and Dax took off to the "park" of playgroup equipment
Thursday, August 19, 2010
The move is on...

Any ideas....???? haha i picked that picture and then realized that I wouldn't know what town it is haha maybe if I knew hotels and mountain ranges. So the other widely photographed landmark is this...

Monday, August 2, 2010
D: here you go mama! [hands me the tic tac]
Me: thanks bubba!
D: Suck it!
lol lol lol hahahaha hahaha that is what his sister told him haha
Sunday, August 1, 2010
swing time
Ab: do kids have kids?
Me: no, you should be older
Ab: so baby brothers grow up to be dads?
Me: yes, that's right
Ab: and girls grow up to be moms?
Me: yeppers
Ab: can i grow up and have kids?
Me: yes, if you would like to sugarbeat
Ab: yea, i think i will. because then i can be a mom, and then i'll be just like you!
love her....
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, June 26, 2010
D: trash, mama? I throw trash?
me: no, bubba, that's not trash
D: cycle, mama? I throw cycle?
me: [mouth open, eyes wide] ye..yes bubba. that goes in the recycle. lol
i kinda love this parenting gig ;)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
more nakedness

the kids like getting on the blog and watching the videos of themselves ha ha, so nothing real special about the video, other than no hands girl!! ...just something for them to laugh at.
Monday, June 14, 2010

Day one. Abb chose the purple flowers and dax picked the vine plant on the right

I turned around and mentioned that the grass needed some water. "I've got an idea mama!!" water pouring out of the jug as she spun around like a sprinkler lol
"Can we turn the REAL sprinklers on?!?!?!" sprinklers on, clothes off! (abb is feeling her wet bum...not picking it lol)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
playdoh mishap
Me: Something is wrong here abb.
Ab: Make a prayer mom. Make a prayer and ask Jesus to help you. To help you be strong and fix it.
ummm ok! :) the prayer didnt work, but starting over with correct measurements did the trick. and a non-stick pan ;)
Monday, June 7, 2010
oh bubba
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
any one out there??
Friday, April 30, 2010
April 24th

When we got home, I took Abb in the back yard and took a couple pics of her. It was her b-day the next tuesday....so I thought I could get a "5 year old" pic a few days early. i LOVE this girl

Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Stretch it out
I got a 'kid concoction' book from the library last week. I originally got it for a paint recipe I saw while skimming the pages. I was looking thru it yesterday and spotted this simple FUN recipe. [i tried to take pics of the kids making it, but alas...see explanation above] So we made it at noon and at 7pm the kids (and i) were still stretching and playing with it. Addictive.

~also, speaking of stretching...I went to the church workout group yesterday and did more pushups that I have EVER, and my tricepts are sooooooooo sore today. It hurts to bend my elbow all the way lol sheesh
Thursday, March 18, 2010
the news....

And here we will stay....although Fairbanks Alaska e-mailed with an open position as well..... ;)
and one more thing....
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Hooray for preschool field trips!
There was a little play area for the kids to be Veterinarians looking at animal x-rays and examining the paitents
Then D found the bubbles and it was all over. He was pretty nice about taking turns... :)
There was a room with a green wall, and the kids got to be in front with a scene behind them...like the weather man. It had a couple green sheets, so I wrapped each kid up and they looked like a floating head. pretty funny. Also the dark room with the 'camera' in it, reflecting a scene from outside. Ab was afraid to be in there in the dark, and D was nervous too...he was covering his ears the whole time.
D sat down here for a minute...
It was a great time! There is a park across the bridge. I think next time we will pack up the picnic basket and play after.
Instant Fan
Me: Hi :)
Ab: Hi mama......is the hockey game today????
Me: *laughing* no sweetie, it's not until monday. Today is Thursday, so thats Friday, Saturday.......
This past monday we went to a local league hockey team game at the Bank of America center. A friend from work plays, and its free to get in so we went to see what its all about. The kids loved watching them skate around...but more they loved running around the empty stadium, sitting in every seat and running up and down the stairs. It was a good time, and ever since Ab has been asking to go back lol
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
i've been waiting for it!!!!!
Me: "Nigh night bubba."
D: "Nigh night mama. Ov you."
All this time....and there it was..... what a great day.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
for Grandpa
Abb will try to spell everything. She's so smart and such a fun little girl. We love her tons. JB thought Grandpa would like to see this one ;)
And with D around, it's always fun. Of course it wasn't funny then, but now it's the one she likes to watch ha ha!
Friday, January 8, 2010
We loaded the kids and my stuff in the car to take me to the airport to go to Utah last October. I went back inside, and quickly hid some hearts I had cut out for the kids to find. One on each of theirs beds, in their clothes and kitchen drawers, by the books, in the movies, on the mirror in the bathroom. I thought they'd find them all thru the week, but JB said they ran around and found them all the first couple hours of being home. "Mom left a heart on my bed!! Did you get one?" She ran in to our room. ( I hid it under the blanket for him to find later ) Ab didnt see it. "I guess mama doesn't love you" she said thru her sideways mouth with a little shake of her head and shoulders shrugged. LOL what a sweet, funny little girl