I got a 'kid concoction' book from the library last week. I originally got it for a paint recipe I saw while skimming the pages. I was looking thru it yesterday and spotted this simple FUN recipe. [i tried to take pics of the kids making it, but alas...see explanation above] So we made it at noon and at 7pm the kids (and i) were still stretching and playing with it. Addictive.
2 T White glue
3 drops food coloring
1T Liquid starch
1. pour glue in a small bowl and mix in the food coloring
2. pour liquid starch in a separate bowl and then drizzle the colored glue over it slowly
3. let sit for 5 minutes (the glue will absorb some of the starch)
4. stir with your finger for a few seconds and then start squishing and kneading the SLOPPY concoction until it becomes a rubber texture.
5. Have fun! store in a plastic egg or plastic bag

~also, speaking of stretching...I went to the church workout group yesterday and did more pushups that I have EVER, and my tricepts are sooooooooo sore today. It hurts to bend my elbow all the way lol sheesh