I decided we needed some flowers in the half dozen planters we have by the front door ;), so I took the kids to the Shopko greenhouse (it's next to winco he he) on Saturday and we each picked a couple out. It was a nice morning today, so we went out and planted them. Dax liked pouring the water out of the jug and Abb liked getting the flowers out of the containers and planting them. It was a fun time decideing where to put them :) Once they were all in, Abb gave them the final watering for the day.

Day one. Abb chose the purple flowers and dax picked the vine plant on the right

I turned around and mentioned that the grass needed some water. "I've got an idea mama!!" water pouring out of the jug as she spun around like a sprinkler lol
"Can we turn the REAL sprinklers on?!?!?!" sprinklers on, clothes off! (abb is feeling her wet bum...not picking it lol)