Bringing up Browns
Monday, June 7, 2010
oh bubba
D is doing pretty good with the potty-training. We ran out of diapers the other day, and I dont think we can go without them at night yet, so we talked about what to buy i.e. pull-ups or more diapers. I ended up buying both. JB and D stayed in the car while A and I ran inside and picked them out. Lucky for us they had Cars pull-ups. We got out to the car and A opens up the door and says "Look Bubba! Look what we got for you! It's Lightening bubba!" His eyes get all wide and a huge grin as he takes them in his hands. "Thank you Abbs!" he says. It was the sweetest thing. He kept repeating it. Thank you Abbs. You could just hear the genuine gratitude in his little voice :)