Well Ab was talking about a friends birthday party for weeks. She had it all planed there we were having pink cake and pink candles and pink, pink, pink. I was trying to get a theme going so i could think of games and decorations, but all i was getting was "a pink party". So I invited the list of friends she rambled off, still not sure what we would do. "Play, sing Happy Birthday, blow out candles." was the starting point Ab gave me. Just 3 things to accomplish. So it was Wednesday night and we make a trip to Zurchers for some inspiration. Hoping that I will see something pink :) I find something and go with it, and walking to the checkout we go down the character isle and Ab says, "mom, how about we have a _____ party?" naming off everyone that we go by. Dora, Strawberry shortcake, Elmo, Barbie, Princess, Abby Cadabby. I could have gone with the last one, but what we had in the cart was going to be good...
Thursday night, JB helped me until about 12:30 in the morning getting everything ready.
Friday morning, I took it slow and what ever didn't get done, just didn't get done. I didn't want to stress over my daughters 3 year old birthday party. But then again, it was her first, and there in laid the stress...
Sarah, Caden, Jenna, Keoni, and Charlyie came a 12:30. I had a table set up where they got to make maraccas out of easter eggs with a wide popcycle stick glued to the bottom, rice, and stickers. And pick out a tamborine. I bought mostly pink, and was suprised when the other colors got snatched up. I put together a CD of Music and Movement songs, and the party began! We sat in a circle making music, skipped around the living room, tossed bean bags, did the limbo, and "went to the zoo". Item #1 on the list - check!

Then we moved over to the table for item #2. Sing Happy Birthday. I got it on video, and I think Ab is the only kid singing with the adults :) She got embarassed or something for item #3, blowing out her candles, but got the job done. I borrowed a funest ice cream sandwich mold from Whit, which I made the yummiest treats! And cute too if I don't say so myself. Of course, pink ice cream and pink cupcakes!!
Ab was a sweet girl and let her friends help her open the presents, which were totally fun. Twist up crayon, and huge coloring book, some garden supplies, light up flip flops[which haven't been taken off for more than a few hours], a beach towel, sand buckets and shovels, a LITE BRITE, and a memory card matching game.
Everyone got to take their instruments home, and a copy of the Music and Movement CD I put together. ~this morning when I was distracting Ab to get her in a good mood I told her it was going to be her birthday tomorrow. "Again?!"