Bringing up Browns

Monday, December 7, 2009

Let it snow!

Before Ab even came in the room to see us this morning, she yelled from the kitched window. "It snowed! Dad there is enough snow for a snowman! And a snowball fight! come see, come see, come seeeeeee!!!" We ate and got ready for the day, found and sorted thru the winter gear box, (which after we tried on D's snowboots, i found him out the back door, thru the gate and walking to the street.... saying 'bbbrrrrrrr!' ya think?) and went to the youth ranch for some cheap snowboots for Ab. After winco and some lunch, we layered up and went into the winter wonderland....

"Look Mom! Im a snowplow!"

Then we went in for some hot chocolate'....We sorted toys yesterday, and Dax has been toteing these ponies around ever since. "Nneeeeiiiiggghhhhhh!"