Yesterday at church, Celeste said that her and Jen wanted to go to Settlers Park and let the kids run around in the splash pad since it's been so hot. So at 10:30 we loaded up and heading to park and met up with a bunch of other gals and kids from the ward. The water turned on a couple of minutes later, and every single kid that was playing on the equipment was in the water! Dax and Abby both went running for it, and the moment Abby got close enough she stopped. I don't think she got more than a few drops on her. Dax was a little more brave, and definatly more brave if i would hold him and help him reach the water. But what a great time. Ab had fun swinging with Maddie Kiehl and eating lunch with Sarah. I also ran into Sandy and Pat Clayton! Totally fun seeing their kids and catching up with her. We are going to get together next week. So I took my camera, but never got it out. It was hot and exhasting watching out for the kids.
Abby has been asking to go to Roaring Springs and I told her if she earned and saved 500 tickets that we would go. But after today, I'm not paying 20 plus dollars for her to NOT want to play in the water. So for now, we'll stick with the poor man's version :)

Bringing up Browns
Monday, June 30, 2008
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Swan Falls
I asked JB about going out there a few months ago, and he said that we should wait until the spring or summer when there is water in the river. So Monday he mentions that him and Wayne are going to BIKE out there for a workout. Oh No You Di-int! Take your buddy out there before we go!! So last night we made the 20 minute, beautiful drive out there. It was totally fun! The dam isn't really much to look at, but the canyon, and plateau, and water! There was a nice big grassy area with picnic tables and huge trees. We went right to the water first and tried to skip some rocks and splash around. Dax wanted to just walk right in. Of course. Then Ab found a stick that instantly was a wand, and it was "Alacazam" this and that. A round of Hide-and-seek and ring around the rosies and we were good. We walked around and then drove around and looked at the rest of the place. More east to the boat launch, and more west to where the "good fishing" was. JB said that is where Cory comes to paintball. It was a good spot with HUGE rocks to hide behind. It would be fun to take out hiking shoes and explore. Ab kept asking how we were going to get out. The rock walls were tall :) A place I'd definitely want to go back to. Have a nice picnic and play in the water.

Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
gotta go!
We had dinner at the Chandlers with the Rumseys tonight. There were 6 boys and Abby. She had a blast. All the kids ate really good, and then either were playing outside or upstairs. Dax and Jed hung around with us. Dax was so great. And Ab was being a great friend. So we start playing Scum, and the kids are in the backyard. We were inbetween rounds and I look out and see Abby's naked bum and a wet pant leg. She had pulled down her panties and pants and went potty in the yard!!! We had done this quite a few times on the road trip down to Reno, and we did it the other night in our yard, but to see her pulling up her pants after peeing in their grass was a little embarassing! But, at least she took the time to stop and do it instead of just peeing in her pants :) I borrowed some shorts and went and helped her change. "Hey, mom!", she says when she sees me come out to the back yard. "I went potty in the grass." Yup Ab. I know. She didn't even mind the wet pant leg, she was having so much fun. Funny coming from a girl that gets a drop of water on her shirt and needs to change...
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
what was i thinking?
We've been talking about moving the kids into the same room. They did pretty good in Reno, and well, I guess I got a rearranging bug yesterday because I moved Dax in with Abby. She was way excited about it, and we got it done in time to have a test run at nap time. It went pretty well, but last night was no good. I think he was just not sure where he was, and it didn't smell the same or something. He woke up 3 times and 2 of them, I don't think Ab woke up. The 3rd time she was telling the he needed a bottle and a new diaper :) good instincs. Today's nap was good, and tonight didn't take as long to get him down. We'll see how the next 10 hours go...
Now heading outside for the moon rise
Now heading outside for the moon rise
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Garden adventures
June 16, 2008. So, we decided to transplant all the window plants to a spot in the backyard that Rocky came and tilled up for us. It's out there by the well pump. From the seeds that we planted on Earth Day, we ended up with a zuchinni, cantalope, mini pumpkins, tomatos, and beans that were growing beans on them! That's when you know it's time to plant outside :) So JB got an irrigation system started and Ab helped me plant a row of corn, and a few packets of flowers that got strewn about. She had a great time using the hose, and Dax was in dirt heaven. At one point the mud just got too much for him.
Monday, June 16, 2008
Happy Day!
This year, Father's Day felt like it snuck up on me. Wasn't it just Christmas? And it seemes like JB's birthday was yesterday. It's just been crazy around here. But I got the picture done on time. I LOVE how it turned out, and it was totally fun to look at last years 3 week old Dax and two year old Ab with her short hair. I'm pretty sure I saw a tear from JB :) It was a fun day of making cookies and playing "Tag you're it".

Saturday, June 14, 2008
We hosted a couples bunko night on Friday. I borrowed tables and chairs from everybody, and made a million phone calls to get enough people here, and it was AWESOME!!! It's going to be a regular thing, every 2nd Friday. I'm way excited, and JB had a good time, and I got to know some people better. It was our first offical non-related babysitter experience. I called Heather Hamblin from down the street, and she watched them at her house. I took them down there in the wagon with drinks and snacks and toys. Heather called at 8:45 saying Dax had been crying for 15 minutes after he ate everything in site and drink 2 bottles. :) I left the party and went and picked both of them up. He stopped crying the second I held him. Mama's boy! Ab had a great time playing with Janae's little girl Liberty. Ab is only a couple months older. So, all in all, at good fun night. Can't wait until July! I think that I'll try out another babysitter between now and then, so he gets used to other people :)
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
My blessings, my favorites, my memories
So I was looking around the blogging world during nap time instead of making dinner, and read Lacey's (Hulbert) blog, and her 100 list. I remembered Whit doing one, and so in my dip on the roller coaster of emotions that is my day, I challenged myself to complete the list. :) Here goes!

1. I love to laugh - JB and the kids help me with that everyday
2. I like my new short hair. It makes me feel sassy
3. Music totally changes my mood
4. I'm definitely a list maker
5. I like watching Abby work on a project
6. I'd rather be outside
7. I miss massage, but there is a time and season for everything
8. Jeramiah is my best friend. I love him like a fat kids loves cake
9. I really do love being a mom
10. I rewrite my grocery list everytime, so that it goes in order of the way I go through the store.
11. I do NOT do scary movies
12. I love doing sewing projects. I'm getting better at making time to do them. Plus I'm totally a fabric junkie
13. I like Dave Matthews Band, John Mayor, Michael Buble, Jack Johnson...
14. We have not used a babysitter that isn't family. Ever. And Ab just turned 3!
15. I can't wait to go camping!!
16. I want to be better organized
17. I love the rain
18. My favorite candy bar is 100 Grand
19. I love squatting down with my arms open and watching Dax run towards me with arms open too. And then having him pat by back while we hug.
20. My favorite thing that Ab says is "I lub you too mom"
21. I think the last time I wore nail polish was at our wedding
22. I played the alto saxophone from 5th grade until 12th. 8 years. I can still play "Mary had a little lamb"
23. I've really enjoyed the Book Club cluster group
24. I can't wait to get our garden going
25. I wouldn't mind moving out of state for a while. I think it would be fun to "go and visit family" more.
26. If my husband took the kids on a vacation for a week, leaving me at home, I think that I would sleep the entire time.
27. I was Seminary Vice Pres my senior year in high school
28. I'm reading the Book of Mormon again for a ward challenge
29. I love water. Rain, ocean, rivers, ponds, baths, showers, pools...
30. I like to vacuum
31. My favorite color is turquoise
32. I like to bake
33. I haven't ridden my bike since we moved in 2 years ago :(
34. I love going for walks. Once the kids are older, I've got big plans for hikes.
35. I don't wear any jewelry except my wedding and promise ring
36. I like doing puzzles
37. I have a very handsome husband
38. I love watching Dax discover new things
39. I don't like the tantrums
40. My favorite ice cream is Mint Chocolate Chip from Albertsons
41. I love that I proposed first
42. I would like to learn to play the guitar
43. I love playing at the park with the kids
44. Ab looks a lot like me now
45. I like making things with my hands
46. I like when me and Ab are "us girls"
47. I like watching movies up stairs with family and friends, and snuggling with JB
48. I like to have a schedule
49. I like writing things in my planner :)
50. I still have my first doll. Polly
51. I don't like doing the dishes
52. I grew my bangs out the summer after my junior year, so that i could play in the rain with out messing up my "do"
53. I loved being prego
54. I'm glad that I have my sisters
55. I like to wear the color red
56. I like to be on time, if not early. I do not like being late
57. I love containers. Baskets, cups, boxes, buckets, trays, bottles, jars.... yeah
58. I like to drive. ROAD TRIP coming our way
59. I like sunrises
60. My favorite show is The Office
61. I would love to take a cruise as a couple before taking one with the kids
62. I love that JB built this house
63. I wake up to either Ab tapping me, or Dax letting me know he's ready to get out of the crib
64. I love photographs, photography
65. I main pair of shoes are my flip flops
66. When I was growing up, we ate popcorn almost every night
67. I like seeing Ab wearing something I made
68. I like the smell of chlorine
69. I like the way the lawn looks after being mowed, and love JB for doing it
70. I love amusement parks!!!!
71. I like making thank you cards
72. The Kuna library probably isn't the closest, but they know who we are there-and I like that
73. I sleep on my stomach
74. If I dyed my hair, it would be red ish
75. I check my e-mail way too many times a day
76. I like playing board games
77. I saved the card from the first bouquet of flowers JB sent me
78. We celebrate Valentines day in May
79. I liked Math in school
80. My favorite "Abby" movie is Meet the Robinsons
81. I like going geocaching
82. I spend many a late night watching movies on Netflicks
83. I'm a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Church is a little crazy with 2 kids, but Ab loves nursery
84. I like picnics
85. I collect journals :) I just like the fresh pages and possibilites.
86. I enjoy hard work
87. My favorite book is Waiting for Birdy. It was the first book I related to as a mom
88. My favorite number is 22
89. For a couple of years now, I've wanted to move back to Nampa
90. I am very proud of my husband
91. I love listening to the rain - playing in it is even better
92. Kite flying is a must activity Feb- April
93. My favorite quote lately is "Life's not about waiting for the storm to pass, it's about learning to dance in the rain"
94. I'm surprised at how blonde I can be sometimes
95. I like that I've come from a big extended family. I love all my in-law family too
96. I like making bread and cookies
97. I love when I get the spring cleaning bug, and through out all the stuff i've been pack-ratting
98. I cry ... a lot
99. I love campfires
100. I love my family. Here's to our journey together Jeramiah, Abby and Dax. you have my heart

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