So I usually don't forward e-mails on...but I got this lucky-make-a-wish email at just the right weak moment. . . . .
Jb applied on-line for a job in February with the post office. A job in Reno. Renee' called and let him know he wasn't on her list of people to interview. He also got a call saying that he wasn't eligible to work for the post office, because he didn't sign up for Selective Services between the ages of 18-25. Whatever, it's a government job. So we stopped thinking about it. Then, about a week later he got an e-mail from the main post office in Salt Lake City, saying they had the same position open and invited him to an introductory meeting. He drove down on Feb 22, and filled out some more paperwork and consented to a backround check along with 50 other people. Another e-mail a week later confirmed an interview for March 9 at 11am. I started talking to my boss about a possible transfer to one of the new WinCo's opening up in May in Ogden, Roy and Orem. [Job openings are always posted on the breakroom door for all the stores. All positions are available for the new stores, but I'd need to turn in my application of interest by March 17]. So he has the interview. They mention that if there are positions that come available in the next 12 months, they will pull from these people that got interviews instead of accepting more apps. He wasn't feeling very confident, and the date for my transfer application was closing in.
- - Tuesday, March 16. We still hadn't heard anything from the post office..... and then I got the e-mail. "Make a wish and send to 15 people and it will come true in 1 day" Wicked. Exactly what I'm looking for. Thanks to those who played along. My wish....please let us hear about the job, please let us hear about the job, please let us hear about the job.
- - - Wednesday, March 17th. I get to work at 6am as usual. Snagged an application and stashed it in my locker to be filled out if i get a txt from Jb saying he got the job. I do my thing and my boss shows up at 8:30. Within 15 mins of being there, she is telling me that Mr. W(her boss) called yesterday and said his Variety Manager for the Orem store fell threw and he needs a new one NOW. He asked her to ask me if I was interested. Balls. They have been trying to get me to do the MIT(Manager In Training) program since last year. So it's normally a 6 month to a year program, which in this case would be ONE MONTH since the store opens May 3rd and I'd need to be down there for the set in mid April. Really?? Was I really being offered this job??? Not was I was wishing for yesterday....
I took my break and called Jb. We talked about how little of a pay raise it is for the amount of stress it would be. We would still both need to work, and if he didn't get the post office job...then there wasn't a real reason to go to Utah. I went back down and told my boss, and then made the phone call to Mr. W and explained how grateful I was that he thought of me, but right now with my kids still so little, the schedule wouldn't work.
Be careful what I wish for, right?.......
So I get home late Wednesday night from a dinner with work friends, and we talk about it. I tell him about the wish e-mail, and how I was wanting an answer for HIS job... not one for ME hahaha. He says "Oh, this answer?" and pulls up an e-mail from 3:50pm that afternoon..... " After a review of the applications and interviews, you were not selected for this job posting." So......there it is.

And here we will stay....although Fairbanks Alaska e-mailed with an open position as well..... ;)