We had a great day with our birthday girl... The house was clean with balloons and streamers and the Happy Birthday banner hung, presents on the table, and red crape paper wrapped around the kitchen chair she usually sits at. We had special birthday cereal (coco marshmallow maties) and then got dressed in a new birthday shirt before opening a couple of presents. [I had requested that night off, so I could be coherant ;)] We all got ready, and went into Meridian and went bowling at Meridian Lanes. It was a Monday, and 10:30 in the morning, so suprise! we were the only ones there!!! It was great. They had little bowling shoes for the kids and a 6 pound ball that they could carry by them selves. The kids had a blast rolling it down, and Dax would get excited when the pins got knocked over. Sometimes, they would push the ball down the lane, and it would take so long getting down there I'd kinda forget that's what we were waiting on! lol. By the 9th frame they were getting restless. So it was perfect. The kids both tied with a 74. By then we were ready for lunch, and Abby picked........ McDonalds! Didn't see that one coming ;) Then we decided to get some ice cream at Yoyo's. Abby walked in and said it was her birthday, so the lady said she could have a free one. We loaded it WAY up and the birthday girl ate the whole thing! That's my 4 year old. We went home, and while Dax napped she opened another present which was Hi Ho Cherrio, and played that and watched a movie. She wanted to have rice and corn for dinner... ok... then the Pyrahs came over with BARBIE galore, and helped us eat Abby's huge-o birthday cake. Yummy! Pj's, story, prayer and song, and it was off to birthday dream land. It was great spending the day with her. Letting her know how loved she is.

The next morning at breakfast, she looks over at me and says, "Ya know mom? Thanks for the birthday cake. :) And the streamers." Your welcome my sweet Abber Doo. I feel very lucky to be your mom.