.. Abber Doo and Dax a Roo ..

Bringing up Browns
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Basketball Baby!
Basketball season started a couple weeks ago, and the first game was last night. It's an all girls team and Abb's BFF's mom is the coach. Her and her buddies are on the team together. There are only 2 girls teams, so they play the same team the whole season. Pros and cons to that :) she is having fun. Very glad she wanted to play again :) (she's #10)
Saturday, November 22, 2014
Another half birthday :)
His turn!! I don't really remember him ever caring or noticing...but this year when Abby's half bday rolled around he was asking when his was and what we were going to do for it haha he decided he got to tell everyone what to do :/ lol luckily he told me to go to work since I was on my way out the door haha ;) he got computer time, hung out with abb and jb, went to a play in the evening, and picked pizza for dinner :)
Monday, October 27, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Food Truck Friday!!
Got a reminder invite text this morning about Food Truck Friday!
We hadn't been yet this whole summer and I'm not sure how many more there will be
(prob quite a few for the next couple months) but I decided to not pass up the fun
and FOOD!!
Was perfect weather and great summertime atmosphere
Kids got a corndog,and fried cheese roll up sandwich with a side tomato soup for dipping haha
Oh. And milkshakes. Nice up sell Mister Ask In Front of My Kids. Nice up sell :)
Oh. And milkshakes. Nice up sell Mister Ask In Front of My Kids. Nice up sell :)
There was a little train ride that Dax did the math and asked
me for the money to pay for everyone.
I caved. The kid did math and wanted to treat his friends! :)
I had never been to this park so it was a fun adventure all around
We weren't even done buckling our seat belts
when the kids were asking if we could come back next Friday :)
Thanks for the invite!! xo
Monday, August 11, 2014
Another First Day!!
Another school year has begun!! Summer went by fast but we made some awesome memories :)
Both kids were up like it was Christmas morning and couldn't wait to get to school
Dax loves to ride his scooter to school :)
Abb with her buddies! Right after this picture was taken(by my friend) she walked off...
WITHOUT SAYING BYE!!! lol I was very proud of her
Both kids have new to the school teachers. Abby loves hers and Dax says shes good.
Dax was suppose to be in a smaller class with a stand alone teacher
but the school is temporarily short on space. They combined 2 classes,
but made some accommodations for him so it goes more smoothly.
Sunday, August 10, 2014
Apple for the teacher!
I usually make something for the kids to take to the teacher on the first day of school.
Came up with this off of Pintrest, and Abbers helped me :)
Glass Homade Chili Sauce jars were the perfect size and weight for the pencil holder
Poured RED hot tamales in the jar and covered with brown corduroy
Think they turned out cute :)
First day tomorrow!!!!
Sunday, June 15, 2014
D A D 2014
Happy Fathers Day!!! Last years pictures...
And this years!!
It's probably my favorite tradition :):)
Friday, June 6, 2014
Happy Birthday to You
Jb was spending the weekend at the track putting on the last race of the series.
The kids were bummed they weren't going to see daddy
so we packed up some birthday supplies and headed out to spend the evening with him.
We brought the birthday pillowcase, some streamers, the banner we use for every birthday,
his presents and some WICKED AWESOME cupcakes Abb made with Grandma
after school before I picked them up
We decorated the motorhome before he came over to it and hid and
yelled surprise when he came in (Dax's idea ;) )
He had some stuff to take care of so the kids played
and I went and got some pizzas for us
Happy Birthday!
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Wednesday, June 4, 2014
Early release!
School is out 45 mins early every Wednesday and Abb had asked to have a friend over. I also offered to pick up some other friends from school since the parents worked til later, and we decided to take advantage of the extra time and wicked awesome weather to head up the road to Frenchmans
The reservoir is 24 minutes from our house. I was surprised at how looooow it was. Didn't stop us from unloading the paddleboard and blowing up the air tubes and enjoying the water :)
First ride of the season! not gonna be the last
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Splash it up
New splash pad opened up at a park 2 miles from us over Memorial day weekend. It was suppose to open last summer but it wasn't done in time, so the kids were wicked excited to see what it was all about.
There is plenty of room for alllllllll the people. Of course opening weekend is gonna be crazy... and it was a holiday. So there were people everywhere. It wasn't scorching hot, and the main weather condition here is WIND... so the little mist that came off all the water splashing about wasn't the most pleasant. We stayed long enough to get our $3 worth and headed to the playground near by :) was just nice to be off and hanging with the kiddos
Thursday, May 22, 2014
7 is a lucky number!
Man was this kid ever excited :)
4:57am wake up call from him.... "Mom.." whispering in my face..
"mom can we go open my presents????!!!!!!"
oh balls. Should have just gotten up for the 4 minutes it took him to tear thru them lol

His adorable smile and genuine excitement at every gift made it easier to handle :)
4:57am wake up call from him.... "Mom.." whispering in my face..
"mom can we go open my presents????!!!!!!"
oh balls. Should have just gotten up for the 4 minutes it took him to tear thru them lol
His adorable smile and genuine excitement at every gift made it easier to handle :)
I had taken the day off, and he was SUPER excited to have me hang in the class with him for the day.
He got a sticker on his shirt saying "it's my birthday" and they sang to him at snack time and then we handed out the brownies and cookies he wanted to bring to his class.
He chose me to be his helper :)
He is in a large class and we got done passing them all out and were short one to give to the teacher.
I suggested he give her the one he set on his desk and he promptly went over and gave it to her :)
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