Bringing up Browns
Friday, January 27, 2012
Long weekend - Day 1
Decided to take schedule my days off together so im off fri sat sun mon :) was gonna skip town and visit idaho but it didnt work out. So today we had Aunt R come over and watch Dax for a couple hours while Abb was at school and Jb and i hit the slopes!! Hit then with my bum. My elbows. My shoulders. My knees. My hips. My hands. Yea. There was an old lift ticket on my snowboard pants from brundage... march 2004. Lol im a LITTLE rusty. Lol we didnt stay long cus the snow was CRAP but my new jacket, goggles, and gloves i got for christmas were great!! Thinking about a movie night sleepover in the living room tonight :)........