Bringing up Browns
Monday, August 15, 2011
My handsome lunch date
We signed dax up for a preschool out here close to our house with a lady that does it out of her house. Preschool is wicked expensive down here! She was close and had a great price so we jumped on it! 2 days for 2.5hrs. It will be just enough :) So we stopped in to drop off our school supply money and dax was soooo charming! He was super cute and warmed up to her instantly. She had to take a phone call and left the room breifly and dax whispers to me "mom. When are you leaving??" Haha he was ready to start and have he drop him off! Oh bubba. So we left there after he explained to his teacher that he would help her spell his name, and went to target to get a couple new shirts and pair of shorts for school. Then treated ourselves to, as requested by my date, chicken stars ;) we had a fun day