Ab had her second 10am field trip (the first was a tour of Krispy Kreme-AJ and D came along) to Idahos Original Maize on Meridian Rd. Ab, D, Jb and Me were joined by the Sasser girls ;) And her class of course, but everyone split up after the intro. We started with some songs, Old McDonald and such. There were alot of little groups there, so i think this was their way of staggering it.

Jb was entertaining D while the music went on..... and on.... jk it wasnt that bad

Then there was a little track with a few pedal cars the kids raced on...
D won most of the time...he had a good motor ;)

There was a cow train. As we were waiting in line I read the names of the cows to Ab....
She picked this one =)

A fun huge bouncy thing they call the "blob", and a couple slides

And a hayride out to the pick-your-own-pumkin patch
Glad we went.... as a family :)