Jb:(the whole time, not taking his eyes off his work) "No. That is not our family tree. THAT is an ACTIVITY tree."
I almost fall off my chair laughing...and now its been 20 minutes, im crying im laughing so hard and neither of us have gotten any work done! Hilarious! On with the post.....

(notice that it is hung ABOVE the lightswitch... D proofed it)
Then cut out 31 leaves, numbered them and wrote activities on certain days, and taped them up on the branches.
Viola! Now, everyday we work on our numbers. I'm going to make a blank calendar that we can put the leaves on...then she can see the month progressing. The winter will be snowflakes, pink popcorn balls for spring and green leaves for summer =) a couple tips....
1) make your leaves have a point on both ends... (or rounded like laura's)
i tried having an 'end' but then my leaves were all on the same side...ya know?
2) Have a list of what you write down on the back =) I had a rough draft with ideas...and the day of the week listed next to it...so that i didn't have us going to the library on Tuesday. Lame Nampa Public Library =P
our activities are simple...sometimes i just wrote 'Preschool', or 'Happy Halloween'. Carve pumpkins, paint project, go to grandmas. Starting my list for next month =)