So we finished dinner and JB said something about going somewhere. Ab says she wants to go to Aunt Julies house. I say all excited "Aunt Julie and Uncle Jim are on an airplane flying to Jamaica to get married!!!! Yeah!!!" "I wanna go!!! I wanna ride on the airplane!" she says. So I start airplaning around the house. "No mom! In the clouds. Please!" So I pick her up and up over my head. "No the clouds are outside. Please mom! Please can we go on an airplane?!" I tell her we can't, that we don't have money to ride the airplane.
Ab: "I found money in the car! Let's go get it!"
me: "Was it a couple hundred dollars?" :)
Ab: "No. Just one."
me: "we'll need more than one."
Ab: "I've got more money in my piggybank!! Wait I'll go get it!!!"
me *sigh*
Ab: "Here it is mom! Now can we go with Aunt Julie??? Please mom?! Please can we go see Aunt Julie?!" Then Dax got into her craft stuff and she got off the subject.
We love you Aunt Julie! Congratulations on the upcoming day. We will be thinking about you, wishing we were there with our kleenex, barefoot on the beach. Enjoy every minute, rain or shine, and remember how much we love you and Jim. Can't wait to hear all about it. Love you SO much Julie soon-to-be-Martin.